HealthTech Israel Podcast
HealthTech Israel Podcast
Gilad Glick, CEO, Itamar Medical
Gilad Glick, is the CEO of Itamar Medical a publicly-traded medical device company (NASDAQ&TASE: ITMR) that develops and markets innovative diagnostic and therapy solutions for sleep apnea disorders and cardiovascular conditions. WatchPAT, the company's FDA-approved flagship product is used for diagnosing sleep apnea in the home environment.
Listen to this interview to learn:
1:00 Why did Gilad come back to Israel from a long relocation and a career overseas?
5:10 Why did Gilad suffer from a culture shock when returning to Israel?
8:04 What Itamar Medical does and what drives the company.
10:21 How sleep and cardiology and inter-related. Why is sleep this important and to whom?
12:59 Where does Itamar Medical play in the new world of sleep and prevention of disease
15:14 How is sleep related to wellness and how is Itamar is becoming a key player in this market.
15:35 Would Itamar consider selling its product directly to the end consumer as a complete package?
20:23 What Gilad thinks about an Israeli company public versus a US-based or European-based company being public? Is there a difference in the way that the local and international market sees an Israeli public company?
25:24 What tips can Gilad offer to CEOs of publicly traded companies in Israel?
27:16 Why did Itamar Medical acquire Spry?
30:20 What tips can Gilad offer for smaller companies looking to be acquired?
31:51 Examples of mistaken acquisitions in the ECG device market
33:42 How did the COVID pandemic affected Gilad, personally, and within the company.