HealthTech Israel Podcast

Talia Cohen Solal, CEO, Genetika+

Chen Sirkis Season 1 Episode 2

Talia Cohen Solal is CEO and co-founder of Genetika+. Genetika+ is developing a personalized medical testing tool to better treat depression by helping physicians find the best drug therapy for their patients. The Genetika+ test uses innovative technology to predict the best drug treatment for each patient, enabling faster treatment, fewer side effects, and lower dosing.

Podcast key moments:

00:32                      What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning and do what you do? 

01:34                      Can you tell us a little bit about how Genetika+ came to be? 

02:39                      Could you tell us a little bit more of your academic background

05:14                      what was your first step into an “industry” role?

05:35                      Tell us about your “Aliyah” and what perpetuated the move from Minneapolis to Israel

06:50                      What does Genetika+ do?

08:10                      Did you say brain-in-a-dish? 

08:30                      Why did you decide to focus on precision medicine for a small group of patients instead of searching for a treatment that would be relevant to a larger group? 

10:40                      So, where do you see Genetika+ fitting in the patient's continuum of care? 

12:20                      What do you think are your major challenges now to be able to get to the patients who need your product?

14:30                      What does it mean to you being an entrepreneur? Were you born that way? Or is it something that was sparked a little bit later on in your journey? 

16:00                      Do you have any advice for any child, woman or man who is interested in going the route that you've gone? What's your support network like? 

18:`5                      What is the value you take from accelerator programs and competitions? Why would you recommend that to a startup? 

23:45                      Can you give us a little bit on your perspective on you know, why it is that they're less female CEOs in our space, in the health technology space?

28:00                      What are your plans going forward and when will you begin Clinical Trials?