HealthTech Israel Podcast
HealthTech Israel Podcast
Prof. Varda Shalev, Co-Founder & Chief Medical Officer - Alike Health
Prof. Varda Shalev, Co-Founder & Chief Medical Officer at Alike.Health
Prof. Varda Shalev is a practicing Primary Care Physician, a medical researcher, associate professor of medicine at the Tel Aviv University School of Public Health, founding director of the Macabbi Institute for Research and Innovation KSM and recently the co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of Alike Health - a healthcare startup developing an AI-based system designed to help patients manage their medical data, monitor their conditions and gain insights into their treatment.
Summary of interview
01:15 What are the most memorable milestones that brought you to where you are today?
02:58 What is the driving force behind your passion for Health Technology?
05:43 What made you the jump into co-founding a startup?
07:14 What is the difference between being an intrapreneur that innovates within an organization, and an entrepreneur?
09:06 What was the value you found in collaborating with startups in your work at the Morris Kahn and Maccabi Research & Innovation Institute?
15:03 Let's talk about Alike Health, what does Alike do?
20:27 Obviously the US market is very interesting, why aren’t you creating a product for the German market?
22:15 Doesn't the scoring system create more anxiety with the patient? Will the patients know how to act upon it when there is no 100% certainty?
24:27 Do you give patients the option to call a live person and discuss or get clarifications on the report?
26:12 What is the business model for your company?
28:35 You raised your seed round from a single investor – Pitango. Do you think raising a seed fund from one VC investor is advantageous?
29:33 How has the Israeli Health Technology ecosystem evolved over the decades?
36:27 Where are we going with health? What is going to be the next revolution that we're going to see?
40:04 How is closing the loop on data?
41:45 What advice would you give to someone who wants to do what you are doing?
46:15 If you could go back to your 16-year-old self, what would you tell her?
47:13 Why do you think there are less Women entrepreneurs and what needs to be done in order to change it?